Looking at Engagement Rings in Sterling Heights, MI? Here Are Some Tips to Help You Buy the Perfect One

The mere thought of proposing or how you are going to propose is nerve wracking enough without also having to worry about finding the perfect ring. For this reason, don’t attempt to plan everything all at once when it comes to where, when and how to propose, and what ring to choose. Remember to just breathe, go slow and take things one step at a time, starting with getting the perfect ring to slip on your sweetie’s finger.

But how can you be sure you’re buying the perfect ring? Well, you’re in luck! If you are planning on looking at engagement rings in Sterling Heights, MI, then the following tips are for you!

Establish a budget

An old tradition will tell you to spend at least two to three months’ salary on an engagement ring. If this is what you want to do, then go ahead. However, today’s engagement ring standards sway more toward the recipient’s preferences as well as your financial comfort. An engagement ring is supposed to be a symbol of the love you have for one another, so don’t wait to propose just because you have a small ring budget. If your partner really loves you, then they won’t expect you to spend your life savings on one ring.

Pick it out yourself

Many couples today are choosing to pick out an engagement ring together to make sure it is exactly what they want. But how does this make it the ring chosen from your heart? What about the element of surprise? If you go ring shopping together, then you lose out on a once-in-a-lifetime chance to personally pick a ring that shows how thoughtful you can be. This also prevents your proposal from being a surprise. Moreover, you’ll likely miss out on compliments about what a great ring choice you made from family and a friends, because you didn’t choose the ring.

Research your sweetie’s style

Engagement rings in Sterling Heights, MI do not have to be diamonds. In fact, gemstones are becoming an increasingly popular stone for all sorts of jewelry pieces, from bracelet charms and necklace pendants to rings of every kind. Before you even start looking for the perfect engagement ring, you first need to research your sweetie’s style. Look at the jewelry they already own or wear often; troll their Pinterest boards for ideas; go to select friends and family members for help. With a style in mind, a jeweler can then give you some suggestions.

Have a general idea of ring size

Right off the bat, while you want to try to get the ring properly sized, don’t fret over it too much, because it can be resized later. Aside from the risky move of trying to get a finger measure while they sleep, your best option is to snag a ring from their jewelry collection, one that won’t be missed right away.

Gold, silver, diamonds, gemstones—at Howard’s Fine Jewelry, we carry a grand selection of beautiful engagement rings in Sterling Heights, MI, and one of our rings is guaranteed to make any future spouse smile. Feel free to contact us with any questions or visit our jewelry store today!